EC Conservation District
Preserving and restoring natural resources by collaborating, educating and cooperating for conservation
Preserving and restoring natural resources by collaborating, educating and cooperating for conservation
The Conservation District is a stand alone district and relies on non-renewable grants and donations to support its many programs. In order to sustain future funding, the Conservation District is exploring a small mill levy.
Conservation Districts emerged in 1935 after the extreme drought and high winds of the Dust Bowl era that were compounded by poor tillage and irrigation practices.
The Eagle County Conservation District's was established to:
The Eagle County Conservation District represents our local soil, water, air, plants and animals. All are components in a complex ecological system with energy inputs and outputs. As a community, we have the privilege, and responsibility, as land stewards to find a healthy balance of our resources.
It is our job to provide you, the residents of Eagle County, with the tools needed for conservation management. Whether these efforts are on rolling pastures or backyard gardens, we will help you to create healthy land and water for future generations.
We now offer a variety of native & drought tolerant grass seed mixes
Understanding & Managing SWAPA
A community oriented conservation nursery
Tools and resources for large acreage
Tools and resources for larger lots
Tools and resources for your home garden
As a Title 35 Special District, we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to make a positive impact. Your donation helps us achieve our mission and goals of protecting the natural world and promoting sustainable practices.
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